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The Evening at Auberge du Clou

This play was whritten by Alexander Posikera and Anton Prischepa. 
It's a musical 
performance, about the history of Impressionism. 
In the program we play music of Vensan d'Endy, Albert 
Roussel, Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel and Erik Satie

Piece is not too serious, with a touch of irony and a bit of mysticism talks about the historic meeting of two very remarcable men - Erik Satie and Claude Debussy.

This meeting took place in one of the Parisian restaurants where Sati while working simple pianist .

Who then can know how big to consequences for the world of culture it will lead?


Authors and musicians play offer you to visit with them this picturesque place, to overhear what was said luminaries of French Impressionism and of course enjoy the music , as if created by nature itself !



Claude Debussy - Alexander Posikera 

Erik Satie - Anton Prischepa 

Mademoiselle - Olga Posikera 

Green Fairy Absinthe - Tatyana Larina 

Madame Harp - Tatiana Oskolkova 

Monsieur Oboe - Mikhail Shtanko 

M. Corno - Fedor Jarovoy 


Paris 1891, «Auberge du Clou» 

("Tavern in the Cloud") in Montmartre


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